Card lock services available at your location along with 24-hour sites throughout our trade area.
Solutions Available
Fuellock Sites
Convenient locations throughout our area
With 24-hour fuellock sites throughout our trade area, our fleet fueling service is both convenient and efficient. Itemized accounting reports provide our customers with the information necessary to make data driven, money saving decisions.
Implementing a poorly controlled, inefficient fuel management system can cost fleet operators hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars each month. Over a year’s time, the cost can be staggering.
As a proven provider of high quality fuel management systems, our primary goal is to lower your fuel cost and to get your equipment and employees back to work producing profit for your company.
Dalhart Warehouse & Fuellock
511 Liberal St.
Dalhart, TX 79022
Panhandle Warehouse & Fuellock
300 Elsie
Panhandle, TX 79068
AEG Carson County Gin Fuellock
2290 US-60
White Deer, TX 79097
Crossroad Express Truck Stop
US 83
Balko, OK 73931
009 NM-467
Portales, NM 88130
& many more on the way
For world-class service, call: (866) 242-9366